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Lee provided a document with the following duty deffinitions: President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer, Web Master

PR Officer Duties:

There may be more than one PR officer but at least one PR officer should be designated as the lead PR officier. The lead PR officier should be responsible for driving the direction of ongoing PR efforts, ensure that constant work involving advertising and spreading the word is being done,


  • Unordered List ItemTravis needs to provide the Email address (I believe it's and password for Facebook
  • Create email distribution list for → email to Lead PR Officer and other PR officers to be posted to Facebook
  • Added mention of new distribution list to Meeting Format announcement.
  • Ask Mike Brennan to create the new distribution list!
  • The current Facebook page shows that it is located in Livingston, New Jersey… Needs to be fixed…
  • Should we have a QCLUG Facebook group?
  • Google seems to find the facebook page better when you search “QC LUG” (with a space)


  • Unordered List ItemEducation:
    • Lee is interested in promoting Linux to Jr. High / High school level students
      • Could find computer club that we could introduce students to Linux
    • Aaron would like to promote Linux to Black Hawk College students
      • Don Mosier (instructor) is interested in bringing in some people from the QCLUG to talk to students.
wiki/board_meeting_minutes/meeting_notes_091714.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/17 23:54 by Aaron Johnson