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— june meeting:

  - there was at least one new comer and several old timers who decided to show up today, welcome!
  - we had one open bsd user (that's new...)
  - one suse user... bob i'm pretty sure...
  - a ubuntu user, mint, deepin, etc, etc.
meeting topic: "Getting Started with Python Programing"
  - the presentation appears to center around flask which is a popular lightweight python based web framework that does many things
  - python has packages, which is a collection of python modules
  - pip is used to install said packages
    - is a package manager similar to a Linux package manager such as apt-get or yum
  - virtualenv is a tool to create isolated python environments
    - this is basically a way to keep from breaking your system python environment and to give you application its own namespace
    - it is also a package that can be loaded with either pip or the os package manager
  - python terms
    - argument - value passed to a function
    - immutable - an object with a fixed value. immutable objects include numbers, strings and tuples. Example: key in a dictionary
    - mutable - an object that can change their value but keep their id()
    - statement - part of a suite or block of code. a collection of if, while or for expressions
wiki/qclug_meeting_minutes_6-13-2017.1497399126.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/14 00:12 by Root