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QCLUG Meeting

date: 2/7/2017
topic: mysql galera with pacemaker
notes: >
  opening comments:
    - the meeting opened 8.5 minutes late due to unknown reasons
    - we then decided to introduce ourselves (even though there we no new attendees...)
    - during introductions we decided to come up with new meeting topics
    - here are the meeting topic ideas
    travis: php
    chad: irc
    dan: phpmyadmin
    sunil: target a single school (augustana or kaplan)
    christian: gluster
    aaron: drbd (actually this was suggested by travis)
    tom: qclug business cards (aaron want's stickers)
    brad: no ideas for brad...
    nelson: ansible
  officer position changes:
    - pr officer was renamed to marketing director
    - mascot position was added
  website maintenance:
    - laptop sign-up sheet was removed from the meeting format
  topic presentation:
wiki/qclug_meeting_minutes_2-7-2017.1486516630.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/08 01:17 by Aaron Johnson