QC LUG MEETING MINUTES 7/9/2014 6:30 PM Bettendorf Public Library

Introductions / Attendees: Lee, Tom, Brad, Travis, Ryan, Jim, Dave, Chad

Have a Job / Need a Job: Any accounting jobs?

Old Business: Last month we had a mock tech showcase installing a bunch of Linux on old computers.

As you may recall, the meeting got pushed a week due to an odd ladies' party that took place in our usual spot. You can draw your own conclusions regarding the nature of their visit…

Presentation: Presntation on FreeNasBox. There are Quantity (3) 2 Terrabyte drives, 8G Ram, and all kinds of cool shiznit. He just pulled it out of storage after building it in college. He has 17 movies on file. He indicates MediaCom kindly asked him to stop doing what he was doing… http://www.freenas.org/about/features.html

According to Google: FreeNAS is a free and open-source software network-attached storage (NAS) system based on FreeBSD and the ZFS file system, with a dedicated management web interface (originally written in PHP, then rewritten from scratch in Python/Django).

He also discussed ZFS. ZFS is a combined file system and logical volume manager designed by Sun Microsystems.

FreeNAS has a PlexMediaServer plugin. Put Plex on your phone and you can watch you movies anywhere… It is a powerful MF-er and Brad claims it will translate most movie languages. Transcodes on the fly.

It also has Backula - a backup server plugin.

He also presented the Intel NUC. Running 4 VMs on it, but usually only runs 3 at a time. More useful and powerful than a Raspberry Pi.

He had all kinds of toys to show off - The Showcase of Brad.

He went through a Macintosh phase and still has a strong affinity for Apple products. He spoke of their wonder.

There was quite a bit of heckling from the crowd, but he handled it like a champ. He demands respect and owns authority.

Upcoming Events: LinuxCon in Chicago August 20 - 22. Travis and his team will be in attendance. Linux Foundation will be hosting a free introduction to Linux on EdX starting in August.

Next Meeting: Wednesday July 16th, 2014 5:30 PM ICONS in Rock Island