Quad City Linux Users Group Meeting Minutes 11/12/2014 Bettendorf Library 6:30 PM We are discussing topics to be covered during 2015. The goal is to keep things interesting and challenging. We discuss at length the level of detail that may be involved which kind of scares some members, but invigorates others. The below is the summary of our possible topics in no particular order: Vagrant (VMWare) Docker TCP/IPv6 Ruby on Rails (object oriented - create SQLite Treasury Web Page) Explore open-source video games with Lua and create an add-on Possible Group Project (Moai paired with Lua to create a very simplistic video game) SteamOS - Demo, Q&A, Etc. BrewPi -Fermentation Temperature regulation Kegbot Script to automate the wiki upgrade process (DocuWiki) Infrastructure with Linux - FreeIPA Squid-IP Raspberry Pi Super Computer There is a great deal of discussion regardig the differences between Windows and Linux, target markets for each, and strengths and weaknesses of each. Topcis covered included security, ease of use, compatibility with older hardware, and the types of people capable of using each.