During the MakeFest we will show off multiple Linux distributions. A 3-5 minute presentation for a distro will be given to on-lookers and various topics will be presented to attendees: * Email clients * Desktop replacement apps * GIMP = Photoshop * GNUCash = Quiken (Alex?) * LibreOffice/OpenOffice = MS Office * VLC = Windows Media Player Linux Distribution Assignment: * Dan - Mint * Tom - OpenSuse, Fedora, (Tom will check his desktop and see if SteamOS will run) * Jim - Debian * Aaron - Puppy, Lxle, Ubuntu * Brian - Ubuntu Mate (Pi and Laptop) We will do the following presentations on the projector screen: * OpenShift * Also we will have some Youtube videos that could play in betweens presentations * Linux Sucks videos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pOxlazS3zs * Basic Linux commands * OpenMediaVault/FreeNAS? Hardware to bring: * 4 Laptops - Aaron * 13" Toshiba * 12" MSI * 14" HP (older) * 14" HP (LUG laptop, newer) * 2 Laptops - Tom * 14" HP (older) * 14" HP (older) * 1 Laptop - Jim * Apple Mac non-intel * QCLUG Projector * 32" LCD Screen - Aaron * Could play Blender videos (Big Buck Bunny) * 42" LCD Screen - Brian * Desktop speakers - Brian * Wifi Bridge for non-wifi enabled devices - Aaron * Require a switch and cables - Brian Raffle Details: * Raspberry Pis - Aaron, Brian, Dan * SSD - Travis * $10 - $20 items from Newegg * Movies (Bluray) - Tom * RevolutionOS - Aaron Raffle items MUST be brought to the July Meeting or else they will not be included in the raffle. Tom completed the flyer and will email to Aaron. Aaron will contact Mark and see if he can get the Tux Logo created still for the flyer in time.